Frequently Asked Questions

At Little Maestro™ the learning outcomes of children and the curriculum are of importance. It is fresh change from the run-of-the-mill, poorly set-up and disorganized play schools. Our experience over the past few years only reinforces our belief. Most preschool owners have neither the inclination nor the training and background to add value to the future of a child. Parents’ expectations are also low and some parents are merely looking at a preschool as a play school where a child can spend a few hours each day. Consequently, not much attention is paid to the methodology of teaching, the quality of books or the selection and training of teachers.

We make learning most effective for children, thus laying a strong foundation for the future well-being of your child. Your child gets to interact with other children of the same age and  learns how to take turns, how to wait, how to share, how to express ones feelings and how to listen. These social-emotional skills are essential for developing your child’s personality.

In the preschool your child will listen to rhymes, listen to stories, and grasp phonics and reading skills. A lot of the ‘play’ that happens in the preschool involves concepts like matching, sequencing, grouping and other activities that will help your child getting prepared for the formal school.

You will receive a work plan of events each month for you to review. Parent teacher meetings every quarter give parents a chance to hear about the classroom routine and talk with the teachers without the children present. Periodically, teachers will send home Teacher Comments’ discussing your child’s adjustment to and enjoyment of the classroom routine. Parent-teacher meetings are available upon request.
Little Maestro™ has an ‘open door’ policy in which parents are always welcome to visit or observe the class. To avoid disruption to the other students, please limit visits to 15-20 minutes. It is often helpful to let the teachers know when you are coming.
  • Pre-school should be near your work place or home to minimize your child’s travel time
  • If you are a working mom, a pre school that has a daycare facility should be your choice
  • The pre school should have a detailed curriculum and adequate teacher training programs
  • Staff should be qualified, caring and well trained
  • Environment should be hygienic and safe and child-appropriate
  • Regular communication between the parent and the teacher should be there
  • Open door policy towards parents and a pre school which provides opportunities to parents to get involved in school activities will give you a chance to understand how your child learns
  • You have seen children look happy in school
You may call to notify us of a person who will pick up your child.  Staff may not release children to anyone who is not authorized by the custodial parent. The person picking up the child must have the Dispersal card.
Children become upset if parents are not on time so please call in if you know you will be late.
The curriculum at Little Maestro™ has been designed after studying various schools of thoughts – Montessori Method, Play Way Method, Project Method, Thematic Approach, and Multiple Intelligence Method. Having taken the strengths of each school of thought, we have developed our own methodology called the ‘5 E approach’. While it provides the child with benefits of the various methods of learning, it does not rely on any single school of thought, eliminating the disadvantages of such dependency. With regular training of the teachers along with the strong evaluation system Little Maestro™’ensures high and consistent quality.
For some children, this is their first separation from their parents. We understand that this is often a difficult experience for youngsters. It is important to let your child know you are leaving, but will come back for them after class. For the first few days you may want to stay for some time at the school reception. We will be glad to check on your child’s progress. Your classroom teacher will let you know when your child feels comfortable with the new environment.
Most children calm down in the first five minutes after their parent leaves. If you say your good-bye to your child and would like a report from us just stay in the hall, your car or give us the number where we can reach you and we will be glad to report on your child’s behavior for the first few days.

Anxiety also applies to children going through difficulties such as, but not limited to: nightmares, death in the family, divorce, illness, new baby, or simply a change in routine, etc. Please notify us of any changes in your child. All information is kept confidential.

The teachers equip the child with the right habits through regular practice and play. The child does not realize as the right habits subconsciously become a part of his daily routine at Little Maestro™. The tactful guidance and motivation of the teacher and the child’s interaction with his peers play an important role in developing these habits. Parents see a positive and evident transformation in a couple of months.
Please do not send a sick child to school. If a child arrives with symptoms of illness, the child will not be permitted to stay. Please notify us if your child becomes ill and will not be attending that day. We ask that parents notify us when their child contracts a communicable disease. Medication may not be administered during program hours, therefore, do not send any in with your child.
At Little Maestro™, our academic coordinators visit all the branches regularly and audit the quality standards of the branches and there is a stringent selection criteria observed for recruitment of teachers. All classes are provided with detailed lesson plans and operations manuals. In addition, all staff are put through a strenuous training program.
Children should be dressed in comfortable, practical play clothes and dressed for the weather. The children may get dirty.
Yes! In fact, parents are asked to send a small snack and juice or water with their child daily. Snacks must be labeled with your child’s name. We recommend that snacks be nutritious and non-perishable.
You may provide a treat for birthdays. If you wish to bring a special treat for your child’s birthday, please make prior arrangement with the teachers. They will know the number of children in the class and any food allergies that must be considered.